Research Education

CLINICAL TRIALS are conducted in phases.
Each phase has a different purpose

  • PHASE I TRIALS are conducted in a very small group of people to determine safe doses and identify side effects.

  • PHASE II TRIALS are conducted in larger groups of people to determine effectiveness and to further evaluate side effects.

  • PHASE III TRIALS are conducted in large groups of people to confirm effectiveness, monitor side effects, and compare to standard of care treatments.

  • PHASE IV TRIALS are conducted in very large groups of people to evaluate long-term safety and effectiveness. These trials are mostly conducted after a new drug or therapy has been approved for use.

Each clinical trial has different eligibility criteria that determine whether a person can participate. The criteria are used to help researchers answer the study questions and to ensure the safety of all volunteers. Examples of eligibility criteria include the type and stage of disease, health history, and past or current treatment.

If you are eligible for a clinical trial, you will be given information that will help you decide whether or not to participate.

Why does Diversity matter in clinical trials, and how does QCR strive to improve diversity?

  • Improves trust in all communities

  • Helps advance medicine for all communities

  • Helps to reduce biases in Clinical Research because a more diverse population are involved

  • Establish relationships in underserved communities

  • Help engage the community and educate them about clinical research

  • Give more people access to try medications they would’nt otherwise have access to

Is Research for me?

It’s true that clinical research studies are open to everyone, and participation can offer benefits such as access to potentially life-changing treatments, medical monitoring and care, and the opportunity to contribute to medical knowledge and the development of new treatments.

However, it’s important to understand that clinical research studies may not be suitable for everyone. Some studies have strict eligibility criteria based on factors such as age, medical history, and current health status. It’s also important to carefully weigh the potential benefits of participation against the risks and potential side effects of the treatment being studied.

Before deciding to participate in a clinical research study, it’s important to discuss your options with your healthcare provider and the study team, carefully review the study information and consent documents, and ask any questions you may have. You should also consider the potential impact of participation on your personal and professional life, as well as any travel or other logistical requirements.

doctor checking the blood pressure of young patient

Community Impact

Clinical trials can have a significant impact on the community in various ways

Here are some ways clinical trials can impact the community:

  • Improved access to healthcare: Clinical trials can provide people in the community with access to new and innovative treatments that they might not have had access to otherwise. This can improve health outcomes and quality of life for those involved in the trial.
  • Economic benefits: Clinical trials often require the involvement of local hospitals, clinics, and research facilities. This can generate economic benefits for the community in the form of job creation and increased spending on goods and services.
  • Increased awareness: Clinical trials can raise awareness about a particular health condition or disease, which can lead to improved education and prevention efforts within the community.
  • Advancements in medical research: Clinical trials can lead to the development of new treatments, medications, and medical devices that can improve healthcare outcomes for people around the world.
  • Community involvement: Clinical trials often require the participation of members of the community, which can lead to increased engagement and collaboration between researchers and the public.
  • Overall, clinical trials can have a positive impact on the community by improving healthcare outcomes, generating economic benefits, and advancing medical research.

Community Impact

Clinical trials can have a significant impact on the community in various ways

Here are some ways clinical trials can impact the community:

  • Improved access to healthcare: Clinical trials can provide people in the community with access to new and innovative treatments that they might not have had access to otherwise. This can improve health outcomes and quality of life for those involved in the trial.

  • Economic benefits: Clinical trials often require the involvement of local hospitals, clinics, and research facilities. This can generate economic benefits for the community in the form of job creation and increased spending on goods and services.
  • Increased awareness: Clinical trials can raise awareness about a particular health condition or disease, which can lead to improved education and prevention efforts within the community.
  • Advancements in medical research: Clinical trials can lead to the development of new treatments, medications, and medical devices that can improve healthcare outcomes for people around the world.
  • Community involvement: Clinical trials often require the participation of members of the community, which can lead to increased engagement and collaboration between researchers and the public.
  • Overall, clinical trials can have a positive impact on the community by improving healthcare outcomes, generating economic benefits, and advancing medical research.